
In regard to men's sexual health disorders, many studies have been carried out over the years and have identified the issues and causes of premature ejaculation (PE) for men. Studies have suggested approximately 30-40% of men over the age of 40 years old suffer from PE.

Unfortunately, these numbers are relatively inaccurate due to an unwillingness or lack of acknowledgement men are willing to express when identifying and treating PE. This is largely due to the fact that many men are embarrassed to address the problem due to the negativity associated with male sexual health disorders. Because of this, it is proving to be difficult to control and treat PE effectively.

More recent studies have also shown that a larger number of younger men under 30 are now suffering from premature ejaculation. With an estimated 1 in 4 men under 30 experiencing PE. Because of this, health experts and professionals are continually researching and conducting studies to better treat PE and sexual health disorders in men around the world.

Fortunately, with the internet being a quintessential part of many people's lives, online pharmacies have become the chosen method for men to access more effective treatments and information around the world. In many cases, for best results, this medication is combined with sildenafil (used to treat erectile dysfunction).

What is Dapoxetine?

As an active ingredient in many PE medications, Dapoxetine is seen to be the most effective active ingredient for treating premature ejaculation in men. Premature ejaculation is more predominant than many other male sexual health disorders, with statistics suggesting an estimated 1 - 4 new cases of PE every day.

During sexual intercourse, little to no stimulation is required to reach the point of ejaculation consistently, usually within 1 - 2 minutes after initial penetration, if not prior to. This can then lead to more serious mental health issues, distress and a sense of inadequacy for men and their sexual partner.

With that being said, Dapoxetine based medications and treatments have been the best choice for men who have been treating PE disorders. This is because this active ingredient is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), dually working as an antidepressant.

Basically, this means Dapoxetine is responsible for regulating the time in which an ejaculation occurs prior to and during sexual intercourse, allowing men to better control ejaculation frequency, for longer, more satisfying sex for both partners.

Affordability, high level effectiveness and availability! These are some of the many reasons why Dapoxetine continues to prove its worth at the top in the fight against male premature ejaculation disorders.

How to use Dapoxetine

Readily available in tablet form, this medication is considered to be the most efficient and easiest way to treat PE. It is always recommended to first read all instructions provided before using this treatment to ensure you experience the best results and minimize any potential side effects.

For first time users, doctors advise the lower dose of 30 mg of Dapoxetine. It is important that it be ingested simultaneously with a full glass of water which to assist with efficient absorption into the blood stream. It should be taken no more than once daily, 1 - 3 hours prior to sex.

If the patient has any underlying medical condition they are advised to speak to a medical professional before increasing the dosage.

It is recommended to be taken in full tablet form and can be taken with or without food. Patients looking for more information on how to use this medication are able to read the patient information leaflet available on our website.

How Quickly Does Dapoxetine Work?

Dapoxetine, the active ingredient contained in the branded PE medication, Priligy, has been researched and tested for decades. This effective PE medication and many others all work in the same way, and although it is still not 100% clear how exactly it works in reducing time of onset ejaculation, medical researchers have identified that this medication has proved to be the most effective treatment for PE.

Experts have identified a direct link between the central nervous system and ejaculation and how they both attribute to ejaculation. Studies carried out suggest that this actives ingredient is responsible for rapidly increased serotonin levels in the body.

In correlation to this, it has been found that the medication acts as an inhibitor of the serotonin transporter, along with the increased levels of serotonin to localize into the postsynaptic cleft, which is what is responsible for creating the sensation of ejaculation in the body. The result of this action then allows the user to control ejaculation for more extended periods of time by suppressing the sensation of early onset ejaculation during sexual intercourse.

Many more studies continue to be carried out to further understand the benefits and uses of Dapoxetine based medications and how it can potentially become a permanent solution in the battle against PE disorder.

How Effective is Dapoxetine

As it is classed under the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor drug group (SSRI), this is rapidly absorbed into the body. Dapoxetine is responsible for increasing serotonin in the body while also blocking the serotonin transporter. In doing so, increased serotonin activity in the postsynaptic cleft delays the sensation of ejaculation during intercourse.

Effectiveness always varies depending on the individual. Dapoxetine rapidly absorbs in the body at peak effect within 1-2 hours after initial consumption. Men who use this medication have found that it remains effective for 4 - 6 hours after consumption when taken 1 - 3 hours prior to sexual engagement, but some men have reported experiencing effects approximately 10 - 12 hours after initial administration and can remain in the body for up to 24 hours.

It is important to understand that effectiveness will not increase if more than the recommend dose is consumed. Taking more than the recommended dose of 60 mg poses the potential risk of suffering more adverse side effects and the likelihood of ineffectiveness after consumption increases significantly. It is also advised that alcohol be restricted during time of use as this can also have a negative effect on the user and can potentially cause more health complications.

Dapoxetine Side Effects

With any medication, there are always side effects associated with treatment such as the recommended Dapoxetine 60mg. Fortunately, experiencing these common side effects are rare with majority of users stating they had experienced very little to no side effects after using this medication. The common side effects stated below usually subside within 24 - 48 hours after initial administration and treatment of the symptoms are easily treatable.

  • Nausea and stomach problems - Sit in a cold dark area with your head placed between your knees. If this is not possible, lie down until this feeling subsides.
  • Headaches - Hydration is important when taking this medication. If you are experiencing this, drink plenty of water and if need be, take a safe pain reliever.
  • Diarrhea - Drinking plenty of water and rest in a cool, dark area. Eating high starch, low fiber foods such as bananas, apples or dry toast can assist in minimizing effects.

Dapoxetine is not suitable for patients who are prone or suffer from any of the preexisting conditions stated below, please consult with your doctor or relevant medical professional before using this medication.

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Prone to clotting
  • Glaucoma
  • Kidney or liver disease
  • Fainting

Dapoxetine is specific in treating PE and is not suitable for men under 18 years old or over 65 years old. for more information about correct use of this treatment, please refer to the patient information guide contained within the packaging or consult with your doctor. For a full list of side effects related to this medication head to our website.

Is it Safe to Take Dapoxetine?

First introduced to the medical world in 2003 as an antidepressant, Dapoxetine was very quickly discovered that the safety and benefits of this medication to treat PE far outweighed initial intended purpose. Development and tests of this drug as a PE treatment started in 2004.

Marketed under the name Priligy, Dapoxetine has been vigorously researched and tested for many years as a PE medication and proves to be one of the safest and most effective treatments for PE currently available. Many reviews from previous and current users have mentioned satisfaction while using this PE treatment. However, patients who may suffer preexisting health condition may experience adverse effects which can lead to more severe health complications.

As it has become more readily available in more European and Asian countries as well as North and South America, this medication continues to prove its safety, effectiveness and high success rate overall for treating PE disorders around the world.

Dapoxetine Reviews

Online pharmacies have become the preferred method for men who seek effective PE medications these days. Reviews on our website plays a role in providing the best most accurate information to potential new users. They show first hand experiences and information from men who have previously or currently use PE medications like Dapoxetine and this in turn gives comfort to men who want to buy PE medications like Dapoxetine.

Many Priligy Dapoxetine reviews from current and previous users have reported an overall satisfaction when using Dapoxetine based products. Some have said they are experiencing longer durations of sexual intercourse without the fear of ejaculating prematurely.

More information and reviews about Priligy, Dapoxetine and other medications, including their benefits are available on our reviews page on our website. Hear you can find all the facts you will need to know before taking the next step to enjoying a worry free, happier healthier sexual experience.

Dapoxetine Benefits

A major key benefit to buying cheap Dapoxetine online is knowing that in just a few clicks, customers will have access to the highest quality, nonprescription PE medications at the lowest prices guaranteed. You will be able to kick start your journey to better sex in no time with easy access online, safe and secure payment and the added benefit of delivery right to your door.

One question that remains constant among men looking to use this treatment is "how quickly does Dapoxetine work?". Well, the answer to that lies in the result. With effects usually taking place within an hour of taking the medicine, this rapid action medication gives users the opportunity to achieve longer lasting sexual intercourse. As a result, it is said that this leads to more confidence when engaging in sexual activities, a more satisfying feeling at point of ejaculation and an overall better sex life.

One other benefit to be noted is that as a result of using Dapoxetine, has improved mental health. A well-known study found a common link between PE and depression. However, users find that they regain their self-esteem and confidence. This has led to their depression levels to decrease significantly and as a result experiencing improved mental health and wellbeing.

Where to Buy Dapoxetine Online in the UK

When buying Dapoxetine, we understand that it can be a daunting task to face. That is why we have taken full advantage of the online space and created a platform for men who are ready to start their journey to enjoying a better sex life for years to come.

How to get Dapoxetine you ask? Simple, buy Dapoxetine on our online pharmacy. At sildenafil4uk.com you will have access to not only the many benefits Dapoxetine offers but you also get the lowest prices, comparable leading market brands, at the highest quality guaranteed.

Our aim is to ensure more men suffering from PE in the UK and Europe have access to Dapoxetine. That is exactly why we have made it so easy. No more doctors' appointments or prescription is needed. From first click to order take minutes and you will enjoy a lifetime of enjoyable sex.

Once your order is complete, you will receive an email confirming the payment the estimated delivery date and the discreet descriptor name that will appear on your statement. For added security, each order is given a unique tracking code, real time updates and the estimated time and date of delivery. Standard shipping time takes 2 to 4 days within the UK.

As an added convenience to you, our services offer express 24-hour delivery for orders within the UK and Europe once initial payment is received. All international orders will be delivered 5-7 working days after initial payment. Our online customer support team is available online 24 hours, 7 days a week.

If you can't fight the feeling any longer, order Dapoxetine online now and experience a sexual reawakening that will have you dancing in the streets!

Last Reviewed: 22nd July 2024
Next Review Due: August 2025

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